AI made the recruitment process 65% more efficient
May 2, 2024
Filippa Oldenburg
AI can now significantly improve the recruitment process – without losing the human touch.
– We saw direct efficiency improvements of 65% in the recruitment process while simultaneously improving the results on all parameters, says Josefin Erséus, CHRO at Teleperformance.
Through Hubert, we have managed to strike a balance between technology and empathy, gaining a deeper understanding of the unique needs of our candidates and employees.
Josefin Erséus

Hubert, an AI company based in Stockholm, has quickly established itself in the HR world by successfully creating a more personalized recruitment process with less human interaction.

– The greatest advantages of Hubert become most apparent in organizations that manage large volumes of applications, states CEO Fredrik Östgren. He notes that the introduction of new technology has significantly shortened the initial stages of the recruitment process – from several days to less than an hour in some cases – partly because it allows for immediate interviewing and analysis of candidates. Moreover, a study comparing human recruiters with Hubert found that the quality of screening improved by two to five times when Hubert was involved.

– AI interviews offer recruiters more robust decision-making data than traditional resumes and cover letters, product manager Fredrik Törn explains. He also states that they are fairer, as all candidates are evaluated equally.

Combining technology and empathy

Hubert's AI-based chat interviews automatically score and rank candidates in recruiters' existing systems. Teleperformance, a global leader in digital customer service solutions, underscores the importance of retaining a human element in this process.

– Through Hubert, we have managed to strike a balance between technology and empathy, gaining a deeper understanding of the unique needs of our candidates and employees. Our ability to quickly and effectively match them with the right roles has improved significantly, ensuring high standards in our work, says Josefin Erséus, CHRO at Teleperformance. The collaboration is now expanding across Europe.

How companies should think about AI

Hubert's team emphasizes the importance of exploring how AI can enhance our humanity, despite the frequently dystopian portrayal of artificial intelligence.

– The time-consuming and often impersonal screening process can be made better and more unbiased with AI. By liberating recruiters from these monotonous tasks, they can instead focus on building meaningful relationships with the most suitable candidates, says Fredrik Östgren. He concludes by emphasizing that, if used correctly, AI can not only save us time, money, and reduce biases, but also make us more human.

May 2, 2024
Filippa Oldenburg
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