Filling the UK Talent Gap with Hubert at NSS Group
NSS Group
May 6, 2024
Filippa Oldenburg
NSS Group’s use of Hubert not only accelerates their hiring process but also sets a new standard in recruiting in a talent-scarce market.
In a market short of talent, securing the best candidates before your competitors is key.
"Hubert has been a massive game-changer for us. We've hired 50% more candidates who would have been rejected in traditional CV screening, without compromising on quality."
Shannen Coldwell
NSS Group
Recruitment Manager
NSS Group’s Challenges

In the UK, the talent shortage is a pressing issue, especially in sectors requiring specialized skills. NSS Group, a leading provider of building maintenance services, has faced this challenge head-on. “The shortage has become more obvious since I first started five years ago, and we’ve been struggling to fill many roles,” says Shannen Coldwell, the Recruitment Manager at NSS Group. The high turnover rate in the industry, the need to hire dozens of roles monthly, rising wages, and managing a large number of applications have made recruitment increasingly difficult. Nevertheless, NSS Group has distinguished itself in the industry by embracing speed and innovation. By leveraging AI technology and adopting a proactive recruitment approach, NSS Group has consistently secured top talent more quickly and efficiently than its competitors.

Increased Hiring by 50% – Without Compromising on Quality

To address the challenges, NSS Group turned to Hubert, an AI-driven screening tool. Hubert's structured, chat-based interviews allow candidates to showcase their skills and qualifications beyond what is listed on their CVs. This approach offers a more comprehensive evaluation, enabling NSS Group to adopt a skills-based hiring strategy and accelerate the hiring process. "Hubert has been a massive game-changer for us. We've hired 50% more candidates who would have been rejected in traditional CV screening, without compromising on quality," Shannen Coldwell explains. This has been particularly beneficial for roles like window cleaning and roofing, where traditional qualifications are less relevant. As the skills gap widens, traditional hiring methods have become less effective, highlighting the need for a shift towards skill-based hiring.

A Memorable Candidate Experience

Implementing Hubert’s innovative solution has also helped NSS Group stand out as an employer. In a competitive industry where applying to multiple roles is common, the unique and engaging AI interview has significantly enhanced candidate engagement from the first contact. “When I call, candidates remember the Hubert interview and interact more. It really makes us stand out from the crowd,” Shannen Coldwell notes. She adds that candidates often praise the smooth process, which contributes to a high candidate satisfaction score of 9 out of 10. Receiving an immediate invitation to a first interview also relieves pressure on the recruitment team, ensuring they know candidates feel recognized from the start and are assessed fairly and equally by Hubert, she mentions.

Saving Time For Things that Matter

With Hubert handling the initial vetting, the recruitment team is now saving almost two working weeks each month. “Without Hubert, realistically we would not have been able to hire as many people, and managing the high volume of roles would have been a struggle,” says Shannen Coldwell. Traditional CV screening was not only time-consuming but also inefficient and stressful for managers. By automating the recruitment screening, the team can now better focus on strategic areas such as onboarding quality and training. Hiring managers appreciate the more direct interactions with candidates, while managers can concentrate on improving team management and financial results. Above all, by quickly securing the best candidates, NSS Group can stay ahead of competitors in a market short of talent.

"Without Hubert, realistically we would not have been able to hire as many people, and managing the high volume of roles would have been a struggle."
Shannen Coldwell
NSS Group
Recruitment Manager
NSS Group
May 6, 2024
Filippa Oldenburg
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